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The Deadpod

Jun 28, 2013

Here is a show that is on many folks' Desert Island list of shows they absolutely must have.. its from 40 years ago, back on June 22nd, 1973 at PNE Coliseum in Vancouver British Columbia.. This is clearly one of the classics from that great year, and I was surprised when I realized I hadn't featured this on the Deadpod...

Jun 21, 2013

The second set from Giants Stadium, E. Rutherford NJ, on June 17th, 1991 was one of the best played sets of that year. I think you'll agree that the Saint of Circumstance through Drums the band is tightly wound and playing and listening well to each other. Hornsby continues to scatter the Dark Star theme throughout the...

Jun 14, 2013

This week's Deadpod has been a often requested show for some time.. I think I hesitated in putting it on the Deadpod because it was such a well-known show, and it had been broadcast back in the day on TV. Still its probably one of the finest shows of 1991, and since its anniversary was coming up, I decided it would be a...

Jun 7, 2013

This week I decided to feature a nice counterpoint to last week's show so naturally I turned my attention to an earlier era of Grateful Dead... 1970 has always been a favorite year, the band had grown and matured into a tight cohesive whole and the performances still contained plenty of vigor and raw energy.. That...