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The Deadpod

Jan 30, 2015

Brrrrrrrrrrrrr... given that many of us are in the icy grips of old man Winter, I thought it appropriate to fulfill a request for a show from north of the Border.. yes the Great White North, Canada.. This is I believe one of the better shows from that great country, from November 2nd, 1977 at Seneca College in Toronto...

Jan 9, 2015

I'm hoping that this high energy second set from the New Year's Eve show of 1969 helps to warm you up if you are stuck in the deep freeze as I am this week.. This tape has some choice early versions of some classic tunes as well as some that were played very infrequently that you may never have heard.. Alligator and...

Jan 2, 2015

Happy New Year!! 


While I toyed with the idea of not featuring a New Years Eve show the fact is that it is one date that the band was well-known for their performances. I did however choose the band's only non-bay area New Years Eve Performance - this takes place 12/31/69 at the Boston Tea Party in Boston, MA. The...