Apr 25, 2008
This week we'll hear the second set of this beautiful audience recording of the Dead at the Frost, 10/10/86. This set starts off with a beautiful Playin, then Jerry really tears up Crazy Fingers. I'm also quite partial to the NFA->Black Peter. The fact that they do a double encore is an indication, I think, that they...
Apr 18, 2008
This week we get to savor a truly outstanding audience recording of
one of the best shows of the early 1980s - October 10th, 1982 at
the Frost Ampitheater in Palo Alto CA.
The band comes charging out right from the gate, with of all
things, a mad "Minglewood Blues" that will blow you away. Brent
really shines on the...
Apr 11, 2008
I've had a request for this show for almost a year and for one reason or another never got around to playing it.. but some recent requests for Pigpen and a stroke of good fortune caused me not to overlook it any longer.. This piece of primal Dead has some wonderful versions of some classic early songs; I particularly...
Apr 4, 2008
This week we listen to the second set from September 21st, 1973 at the Spectrum in Philadelphia. This set starts with the last version of a song that I happen to really like, "Let Me Sing Your Blues Away", but when you hear it you can understand why it got dropped.. the rest of the set is much better however, and the...
Apr 2, 2008
This week a truly great show suggested by one of my wonderful listeners in honor of the passing of Martin Fierro - The Spectrum, September 21st, 1973. Although Martin doesn't play sax until the second set I couldn't bare to not play the entire show so we will get to his performance next week. This week, I hope you...