Jul 20, 2012
Set two of a fine show from the Summer of 1990 is up to
entertain you this week - personally I'm a fan of the Standing on
the Moon->He's Gone->JAM.. good stuff
I recall everyone on their feet and shaking it for the Goin' Down
the Road Feelin' Bad..
Hope you enjoy the show!
7/6/90 - Grateful Dead
Jul 13, 2012
This week I decided to play a show that I have some fond memories of - July 6th, 1990 at Cardinal Stadium in Louisville KY. I have vivid memories of the trip to this show (following the blistering 4th of July show in Kansas) as well as walking through this group of fundamentalists on my way to the venue (they were...
Jul 6, 2012
Our post-July4th Deadpod features the second set from the band's performance at the Saratoga Performing Arts Center in Saratoga Springs NY during the Summer tour of 1985. This second set starts out with an interesting Stranger->Eyes->GDTRFB combo.. which is very tasty.. personally I enjoy the Black Peter (not...